Kæmpen og skrædderen

The giant and the tailor

En skrædder, som var en stor pralhals, men en dårlig regnemester, besluttede engang at gå ud og se sig lidt om i skoven. Så snart, han kunne, forlod han sit værksted og
Vandred af sted
over mark og vang,
mens solen skinned
og fuglene sang.
Da han havde gået i nogen tid, så han i det fjerne et stejlt bjerg, og bagved det et tårn, der ragede op af en stor, mørk skov, og syntes at nå til himlen. "Død og pine," råbte skrædderen, "hvad er det." Han kunne ikke modstå sin nysgerrighed og gik lige løs på det. Men han gabede højt af forundring, da han så at tårnet havde ben og var en vældig kæmpe, som med et sæt sprang over bjerget og stod foran ham. "Hvad vil du her, du elendige flueben?" råbte kæmpen med en stemme, der lød som et tordenbrag. "Jeg ville bare se, om jeg ikke kunne tjene en bid brød herude i skoven," hviskede skrædderen. "Så kunne du jo egentlig tage tjeneste hos mig," sagde kæmpen. "Ja, hvorfor ikke," svarede skrædderen, "men hvad får jeg så i løn?" - "Hvad du får i løn," sagde kæmpen, "det skal du såmænd få at høre. Tre hundrede og fem og tresindstyve dage om året, og når det er skudår oven i købet en til. Er du fornøjet med det?" - "Lad gå," sagde skrædderen, og tænkte: "Det er bedst at sætte tæring efter næring. Jeg skal nok snart slippe bort igen."
"Så gå hen og hent mig et krus vand, din lille slyngel," sagde kæmpen nu. "Hvorfor skal jeg ikke med det samme tage hele kilden og brønden med?" sagde den lille pralhals og gik af sted med kruset. "Hvad for noget, brønden og kilden," brummede kæmpen som var en lille smule dum, og han begyndte at blive helt bange, "den karl kan mere end sit fadervor. Han har måske en alrune på sig. Pas på, gamle ven, det er vist ingen tjener for dig." Da skrædderen havde bragt vandet, befalede kæmpen ham at hugge noget brænde i skoven og bære det hjem. "Hvorfor skal jeg ikke hellere tage hele skoven med et hug,
alle træer,
som i skoven stå,
de visne, de grønne,
de store, de små,"
sagde den lille skrædder og gik ud for at hugge brænde. "Hvad for noget," brummede den lettroende kæmpe,
"alle træer,
som i skoven stå,
de visne, de grønne,
de store, de små."
Han blev endnu mere hed om ørerne. "Den karl kan mere end sit fadervor," tænkte han, "han har måske en alrune på sig. Pas på, gamle ven, det er vist ingen tjener for dig." Da skrædderen havde bragt brændet, befalede kæmpen ham at skyde et par vilde svin til deres aftensmad. "Hvorfor skal jeg ikke hellere skyde tusind med et skud og slæbe dem allesammen hjem" spurgte den vigtige skrædder. "Hvad for noget," råbte den kryster af en kæmpe angst, "lad det nu være nok for i dag. Gå du kun i seng."
Kæmpen var så bange, at han ikke lukkede et øje hele natten, men stadig lå og spekulerede på, hvordan han skulle blive den troldmand af en tjener kvit. Næste morgen gik kæmpen og skrædderen hen til en sump, hvor der stod en mængde piletræer. "Hør engang, skrædder, sagde kæmpen, " sæt dig op på en af de pilekviste. Jeg kunne nok have lyst til at se, om du kan bøje den ned." En, to, tre sad skrædderen deroppe, holdt vejret og gjorde sig så tung, han kunne, så" grenen virkelig Bøjede sig ned. Men han havde uheldigvis ikke puttet noget pressejern i lommen, og da han igen måtte trække vejret, svippede grenen tilbage, og til kæmpens store glæde fløj den lille skrædder så højt op i vejret, at man ikke kunne se ham. Og hvis han ikke er faldet ned, svæver han vel endnu omkring deroppe i luften.
A certain tailor who was great at boasting but ill at doing, took it into his head to go abroad for a while, and look about the world. As soon as he could manage it, he left his workshop, and wandered on his way, over hill and dale, sometimes hither, sometimes thither, but ever on and on. Once when he was out he perceived in the blue distance a steep hill, and behind it a tower reaching to the clouds, which rose up out of a wild dark forest. "Thunder and lightning," cried the tailor, "what is that?" and as he was strongly goaded by curiosity, he went boldly towards it. But what made the tailor open his eyes and mouth when he came near it, was to see that the tower had legs, and leapt in one bound over the steep hill, and was now standing as an all powerful giant before him. "What dost thou want here, thou tiny fly's leg?" cried the giant, with a voice as if it were thundering on every side. The tailor whimpered, "I want just to look about and see if I can earn a bit of bread for myself, in this forest." If that is what thou art after," said the giant, "thou mayst have a place with me." - "If it must be, why not? What wages shall I receive?" - "Thou shalt hear what wages thou shalt have. Every year three hundred and sixty-five days, and when it is leap-year, one more into the bargain. Does that suit thee?" - "All right," replied the tailor, and thought, in his own mind, "a man must cut his coat according to his cloth; I will try to get away as fast as I can." On this the giant said to him, "Go, little ragamuffin, and fetch me a jug of water." - "Had I not better bring the well itself at once, and the spring too?" asked the boaster, and went with the pitcher to the water. "What! the well and the spring too," growled the giant in his beard, for he was rather clownish and stupid, and began to be afraid. "That knave is not a fool, he has a wizard in his body. Be on thy guard, old Hans, this is no serving-man for thee." When the tailor had brought the water, the giant bade him go into the forest, and cut a couple of blocks of wood and bring them back. "Why not the whole forest, at once, with one stroke. The whole forest, young and old, with all that is there, both rough and smooth?" asked the little tailor, and went to cut the wood. "What! the whole forest, young and old, with all that is there, both rough and smooth, and the well and its spring too," growled the credulous giant in his beard, and was still more terrified. "The knave can do much more than bake apples, and has a wizard in his body. Be on thy guard, old Hans, this is no serving-man for thee!" When the tailor had brought the wood, the giant commanded him to shoot two or three wild boars for supper. "Why not rather a thousand at one shot, and bring them all here?" inquired the ostentatious tailor. "What!" cried the timid giant in great terror; "Let well alone to-night, and lie down to rest."
The giant was so terribly alarmed that he could not close an eye all night long for thinking what would be the best way to get rid of this accursed sorcerer of a servant. Time brings counsel. Next morning the giant and the tailor went to a marsh, round which stood a number of willow-trees. Then said the giant, "Hark thee, tailor, seat thyself on one of the willow-branches, I long of all things to see if thou art big enough to bend it down." All at once the tailor was sitting on it, holding his breath, and making himself so heavy that the bough bent down. When, however, he was compelled to draw breath, it hurried him (for unfortunately he had not put his vgoose in his pocket) so high into the air that he never was seen again, and this to the great delight of the giant. If the tailor has not fallen down again, he must be hovering about in the air.