Brother Lustig


There was one on a time a great war, and when it came to an end, many soldiers were discharged. Then Brother Lustig also received his dismissal, and besides that, nothing but a small loaf of contract-bread, and four kreuzers in money, with which he departed. St. Peter had, however, placed himself in his way in the shape of a poor beggar, and when Brother Lustig came up, he begged alms of him. Brother Lustig replied, "Dear beggar-man, what am I to give you? I have been a soldier, and have received my dismissal, and have nothing but this little loaf of contract-bread, and four kreuzers of money; when that is gone, I shall have to beg as well as you. Still I will give you something." Thereupon he divided the loaf into four parts, and gave the apostle one of them, and a kreuzer likewise. St. Peter thanked him, went onwards, and threw himself again in the soldier's way as a beggar, but in another shape; and when he came up begged a gift of him as before. Brother Lustig spoke as he had done before, and again gave him a quarter of the loaf and one kreuzer. St. Peter thanked him, and went onwards, but for the third time placed himself in another shape as a beggar on the road, and spoke to Brother Lustig. Brother Lustig gave him also the third quarter of bread and the third kreuzer. St. Peter thanked him, and Brother Lustig went onwards, and had but a quarter of the loaf, and one kreuzer. With that he went into an inn, ate the bread, and ordered one kreuzer's worth of beer. When he had had it, he journeyed onwards, and then St. Peter, who had assumed the appearance of a discharged soldier, met and spoke to him thus: "Good day, comrade, canst thou not give me a bit of bread, and a kreuzer to get a drink?" - "Where am I to procure it?" answered Brother Lustig; "I have been discharged, and I got nothing but a loaf of ammunition-bread and four kreuzers in money. I met three beggars on the road, and I gave each of them a quarter of my bread, and one kreuzer. The last quarter I ate in the inn, and had a drink with the last kreuzer. Now my pockets are empty, and if thou also hast nothing we can go a-begging together." - "No," answered St. Peter, "we need not quite do that. I know a little about medicine, and I will soon earn as much as I require by that." - "Indeed," said Brother Lustig, "I know nothing of that, so I must go and beg alone." - "Just come with me," said St. Peter, "and if I earn anything, thou shalt have half of it." - "All right," said Brother Lustig, so they went away together.
Then they came to a peasant's house inside which they heard loud lamentations and cries; so they went in, and there the husband was lying sick unto death, and very near his end, and his wife was crying and weeping quite loudly. "Stop that howling and crying," said St. Peter, "I will make the man well again," and he took a salve out of his pocket, and healed the sick man in a moment, so that he could get up, and was in perfect health. In great delight the man and his wife said, "How can we reward you? What shall we give you?" But St. Peter would take nothing, and the more the peasant folks offered him, the more he refused. Brother Lustig, however, nudged St. Peter, and said, "Take something; sure enough we are in need of it." At length the woman brought a lamb and said to St. Peter that he really must take that, but he would not. Then Brother Lustig gave him a poke in the side, and said, "Do take it, you stupid fool; we are in great want of it!" Then St. Peter said at last, "Well, I will take the lamb, but I won't carry it; if thou wilt insist on having it, thou must carry it." - "That is nothing," said Brother Lustig. "I will easily carry it," and took it on his shoulder. Then they departed and came to a wood, but Brother Lustig had begun to feel the lamb heavy, and he was hungry, so he said to St. Peter, "Look, that's a good place, we might cook the lamb there, and eat it." - "As you like," answered St. Peter, "but I can't have anything to do with the cooking; if thou wilt cook, there is a kettle for thee, and in the meantime I will walk about a little until it is ready. Thou must, however, not begin to eat until I have come back, I will come at the right time." - "Well, go, then," said Brother Lustig, "I understand cookery, I will manage it." Then St. Peter went away, and Brother Lustig killed the lamb, lighted a fire, threw the meat into the kettle, and boiled it. The lamb was, however, quite ready, and the apostle Peter had not come back, so Brother Lustig took it out of the kettle, cut it up, and found the heart. "That is said to be the best part," said he, and tasted it, but at last he ate it all up. At length St. Peter returned and said, "Thou mayst eat the whole of the lamb thyself, I will only have the heart, give me that." Then Brother Lustig took a knife and fork, and pretended to look anxiously about amongst the lamb's flesh, but not to be able to find the heart, and at last he said abruptly, "There is none here." - "But where can it be?" said the apostle. "I don't know," replied Brother Lustig, "but look, what fools we both are, to seek for the lamb's heart, and neither of us to remember that a lamb has no heart!" - "Oh," said St. Peter, "that is something quite new! Every animal has a heart, why is a lamb to have none?" - "No, be assured, my brother," said Brother Lustig, "that a lamb has no heart; just consider it seriously, and then you will see that it really has none." - "Well, it is all right," said St. Peter, "if there is no heart, then I want none of the lamb; thou mayst eat it alone." - "What I can't eat now, I will carry away in my knapsack," said Brother Lustig, and he ate half the lamb, and put the rest in his knapsack.
They went farther, and then St. Peter caused a great stream of water to flow right across their path, and they were obliged to pass through it. Said St. Peter, "Do thou go first." - "No," answered Brother Lustig, "thou must go first," and he thought, "if the water is too deep I will stay behind." Then St. Peter strode through it, and the water just reached to his knee. So Brother Lustig began to go through also, but the water grew deeper and reached to his throat. Then he cried, "Brother, help me!" St. Peter said, "Then wilt thou confess that thou hast eaten the lamb's heart?" - "No," said he, "I have not eaten it." Then the water grew deeper still and rose to his mouth. "Help me, brother," cried the soldier. St. Peter said, "Then wilt thou confess that thou hast eaten the lamb's heart?" - "No," he replied, "I have not eaten it." St. Peter, however, would not let him be drowned, but made the water sink and helped him through it.
Then they journeyed onwards, and came to a kingdom where they heard that the King's daughter lay sick unto death. "Hollo, brother!" said the soldier to St. Peter, "this is a chance for us; if we can heal her we shall be provided for, for life!" But St. Peter was not half quick enough for him, "Come, lift your legs, my dear brother," said he, "that we may get there in time." But St. Peter walked slower and slower, though Brother Lustig did all he could to drive and push him on, and at last they heard that the princess was dead. "Now we are done for!" said Brother Lustig; "that comes of thy sleepy way of walking!" - "Just be quiet," answered St. Peter, "I can do more than cure sick people; I can bring dead ones to life again." - "Well, if thou canst do that," said Brother Lustig, "it's all right, but thou shouldst earn at least half the kingdom for us by that." Then they went to the royal palace, where every one was in great grief, but St. Peter told the King that he would restore his daughter to life. He was taken to her, and said, "Bring me a kettle and some water," and when that was brought, he bade everyone go out, and allowed no one to remain with him but Brother Lustig. Then he cut off all the dead girl's limbs, and threw them in the water, lighted a fire beneath the kettle, and boiled them. And when the flesh had fallen away from the bones, he took out the beautiful white bones, and laid them on a table, and arranged them together in their natural order. When he had done that, he stepped forward and said three times, "In the name of the holy Trinity, dead woman, arise." And at the third time, the princess arose, living, healthy and beautiful. Then the King was in the greatest joy, and said to St. Peter, "Ask for thy reward; even if it were half my kingdom, I would give it thee." But St. Peter said, "I want nothing for it." - "Oh, thou tomfool!" thought Brother Lustig to himself, and nudged his comrade's side, and said, "Don't be so stupid! If thou hast no need of anything, I have." St. Peter, however, would have nothing, but as the King saw that the other would very much like to have something, he ordered his treasurer to fill Brother Lustig's knapsack with gold. Then they went on their way, and when they came to a forest, St. Peter said to Brother Lustig, "Now, we will divide the gold." - "Yes," he replied, "we will." So St. Peter divided the gold, and divided it into three heaps. Brother Lustig thought to himself, "What craze has he got in his head now? He is making three shares, and there are only two of us!" But St. Peter said, "I have divided it exactly; there is one share for me, one for thee, and one for him who ate the lamb's heart."
"Oh, I ate that!" replied Brother Lustig, and hastily swept up the gold. "You may trust what I say." - "But how can that be true," said St. Peter, "when a lamb has no heart?" - "Eh, what, brother, what can you be thinking of? Lambs have hearts like other animals, why should only they have none?" - "Well, so be it," said St. Peter, "keep the gold to yourself, but I will stay with you no longer; I will go my way alone." - "As you like, dear brother," answered Brother Lustig. "Farewell."
Then St. Peter went a different road, but Brother Lustig thought, "It is a good thing that he has taken himself off, he is certainly a strange saint, after all." Then he had money enough, but did not know how to manage it, squandered it, gave it away, and and when some time had gone by, once more had nothing. Then he arrived in a certain country where he heard that a King's daughter was dead. "Oh, ho!" thought he, "that may be a good thing for me; I will bring her to life again, and see that I am paid as I ought to be." So he went to the King, and offered to raise the dead girl to life again. Now the King had heard that a discharged soldier was traveling about and bringing dead persons to life again, and thought that Brother Lustig was the man; but as he had no confidence in him, he consulted his councillors first, who said that he might give it a trial as his daughter was dead. Then Brother Lustig ordered water to be brought to him in a kettle, bade every one go out, cut the limbs off, threw them in the water and lighted a fire beneath, just as he had seen St. Peter do. The water began to boil, the flesh fell off, and then he took the bones out and laid them on the table, but he did not know the order in which to lay them, and placed them all wrong and in confusion. Then he stood before them and said, "In the name of the most holy Trinity, dead maiden, I bid thee arise," and he said this thrice, but the bones did not stir. So he said it thrice more, but also in vain: "Confounded girl that you are, get up!" cried he, "Get up, or it shall be worse for you!" When he had said that, St. Peter suddenly appeared in his former shape as a discharged soldier; he entered by the window and said, "Godless man, what art thou doing? How can the dead maiden arise, when thou hast thrown about her bones in such confusion?" - "Dear brother, I have done everything to the best of my ability," he answered. "This once, I will help thee out of thy difficulty, but one thing I tell thee, and that is that if ever thou undertakest anything of the kind again, it will be the worse for thee, and also that thou must neither demand nor accept the smallest thing from the King for this!" Thereupon St. Peter laid the bones in their right order, said to the maiden three times, "In the name of the most holy Trinity, dead maiden, arise," and the King's daughter arose, healthy and beautiful as before. Then St. Peter went away again by the window, and Brother Lustig was rejoiced to find that all had passed off so well, but was very much vexed to think that after all he was not to take anything for it. "I should just like to know," thought he, "what fancy that fellow has got in his head, for what he gives with one hand he takes away with the other there is no sense whatever in it!" Then the King offered Brother Lustig whatsoever he wished to have, but he did not dare to take anything; however, by hints and cunning, he contrived to make the King order his knapsack to be filled with gold for him, and with that he departed. When he got out, St. Peter was standing by the door, and said, "Just look what a man thou art; did I not forbid thee to take anything, and there thou hast thy knapsack full of gold!" - "How can I help that," answered Brother Lustig, "if people will put it in for me?" - "Well, I tell thee this, that if ever thou settest about anything of this kind again thou shalt suffer for it!" - "Eh, brother, have no fear, now I have money, why should I trouble myself with washing bones?" - "Faith," said St. Peter, "the gold will last a long time! In order that after this thou mayst never tread in forbidden paths, I will bestow on thy knapsack this property, namely, that whatsoever thou wishest to have inside it, shall be there. Farewell, thou wilt now never see me more." - "Good-bye," said Brother Lustig, and thought to himself, "I am very glad that thou hast taken thyself off, thou strange fellow; I shall certainly not follow thee." But of the magical power which had been bestowed on his knapsack, he thought no more.
Brother Lustig travelled about with his money, and squandered and wasted what he had as before. When at last he had no more than four kreuzers, he passed by an inn and thought, "The money must go," and ordered three kreuzers' worth of wine and one kreuzer's worth of bread for himself. As he was sitting there drinking, the smell of roast goose made its way to his nose. Brother Lustig looked about and peeped, and saw that the host had two geese standing in the oven. Then he remembered that his comrade had said that whatsoever he wished to have in his knapsack should be there, so he said, "Oh, ho! I must try that with the geese." So he went out, and when he was outside the door, he said, "I wish those two roasted geese out of the oven and in my knapsack," and when he had said that, he unbuckled it and looked in, and there they were inside it. "Ah, that's right!" said he, "now I am a made man!" and went away to a meadow and took out the roast meat. When he was in the midst of his meal, two journeymen came up and looked at the second goose, which was not yet touched, with hungry eyes. Brother Lustig thought to himself, "One is enough for me," and called the two men up and said, "Take the goose, and eat it to my health." They thanked him, and went with it to the inn, ordered themselves a half bottle of wine and a loaf, took out the goose which had been given them, and began to eat. The hostess saw them and said to her husband, "Those two are eating a goose; just look and see if it is not one of ours, out of the oven." The landlord ran thither, and behold the oven was empty! "What!" cried he, "you thievish crew, you want to eat goose as cheap as that? Pay for it this moment; or I will wash you well with green hazel-sap." The two said, "We are no thieves, a discharged soldier gave us the goose, outside there in the meadow." - "You shall not throw dust in my eyes that way! the soldier was here but he went out by the door, like an honest fellow. I looked after him myself; you are the thieves and shall pay!" But as they could not pay, he took a stick, and cudgeled them out of the house.
Brother Lustig went his way and came to a place where there was a magnificent castle, and not far from it a wretched inn. He went to the inn and asked for a night's lodging, but the landlord turned him away, and said, "There is no more room here, the house is full of noble guests." - "It surprises me that they should come to you and not go to that splendid castle," said Brother Lustig. "Ah, indeed," replied the host, "but it is no slight matter to sleep there for a night; no one who has tried it so far, has ever come out of it alive."
"If others have tried it," said Brother Lustig, "I will try it too."
"Leave it alone," said the host, "it will cost you your neck." - "It won't kill me at once," said Brother Lustig, "just give me the key, and some good food and wine." So the host gave him the key, and food and wine, and with this Brother Lustig went into the castle, enjoyed his supper, and at length, as he was sleepy, he lay down on the ground, for there was no bed. He soon fell asleep, but during the night was disturbed by a great noise, and when he awoke, he saw nine ugly devils in the room, who had made a circle, and were dancing around him. Brother Lustig said, "Well, dance as long as you like, but none of you must come too close." But the devils pressed continually nearer to him, and almost stepped on his face with their hideous feet. "Stop, you devils' ghosts," said he, but they behaved still worse. Then Brother Lustig grew angry, and cried, "Hola! but I will soon make it quiet," and got the leg of a chair and struck out into the midst of them with it. But nine devils against one soldier were still too many, and when he struck those in front of him, the others seized him behind by the hair, and tore it unmercifully. "Devils' crew," cried he, "it is getting too bad, but wait. Into my knapsack, all nine of you!" In an instant they were in it, and then he buckled it up and threw it into a corner. After this all was suddenly quiet, and Brother Lustig lay down again, and slept till it was bright day. Then came the inn-keeper, and the nobleman to whom the castle belonged, to see how he had fared; but when they perceived that he was merry and well they were astonished, and asked, "Have the spirits done you no harm, then?" - "The reason why they have not," answered Brother Lustig, "is because I have got the whole nine of them in my knapsack! You may once more inhabit your castle quite tranquilly, none of them will ever haunt it again." The nobleman thanked him, made him rich presents, and begged him to remain in his service, and he would provide for him as long as he lived. "No," replied Brother Lustig, "I am used to wandering about, I will travel farther." Then he went away, and entered into a smithy, laid the knapsack, which contained the nine devils on the anvil, and asked the smith and his apprentices to strike it. So they smote with their great hammers with all their strength, and the devils uttered howls which were quite pitiable. When he opened the knapsack after this, eight of them were dead, but one which had been lying in a fold of it, was still alive, slipped out, and went back again to hell. Thereupon Brother Lustig travelled a long time about the world, and those who know them can tell many a story about him, but at last he grew old, and thought of his end, so he went to a hermit who was known to be a pious man, and said to him, "I am tired of wandering about, and want now to behave in such a manner that I shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven." The hermit replied, "There are two roads, one is broad and pleasant, and leads to hell, the other is narrow and rough, and leads to heaven." - "I should be a fool," thought Brother Lustig, "if I were to take the narrow, rough road." So he set out and took the broad and pleasant road, and at length came to a great black door, which was the door of Hell. Brother Lustig knocked, and the door-keeper peeped out to see who was there. But when he saw Brother Lustig, he was terrified, for he was the very same ninth devil who had been shut up in the knapsack, and had escaped from it with a black eye. So he pushed the bolt in again as quickly as he could, ran to the devil's lieutenant, and said, "There is a fellow outside with a knapsack, who wants to come in, but as you value your lives don't allow him to enter, or he will wish the whole of hell into his knapsack. He once gave me a frightful hammering when I was inside it." So they called out to Brother Lustig that he was to go away again, for he should not get in there! "If they won't have me here," thought he, "I will see if I can find a place for myself in heaven, for I must be somewhere." So he turned about and went onwards until he came to the door of Heaven, where he knocked. St. Peter was sitting hard by as door-keeper. Brother Lustig recognised him at once, and thought, "Here I find an old friend, I shall get on better." But St. Peter said, "I really believe that thou wantest to come into Heaven." - "Let me in, brother; I must get in somewhere; if they would have taken me into Hell, I should not have come here." - "No," said St. Peter, "thou shalt not enter." - "Then if thou wilt not let me in, take thy knapsack back, for I will have nothing at all from thee." - "Give it here, then," said St. Peter. Then Brother Lustig gave him the knapsack into Heaven through the bars, and St. Peter took it, and hung it beside his seat. Then said Brother Lustig, "And now I wish myself inside my knapsack," and in a second he was in it, and in Heaven, and St. Peter was forced to let him stay there.
从前打了一场大仗,大仗结束后,许多士兵被遣散回家。 拉斯廷老兄也退役了,他除了一袋干粮和四个金币外一无所有地上路了。 圣彼得装成一个可怜的乞丐站在拉斯廷老兄的必经之路上,等他走过来便向他乞讨。 拉斯廷老兄回答说:"亲爱的乞丐,我能给你什么?我以前是个兵,现在退役了,除了这袋干粮和四个金币就什么都没有了。如果我把这些也分给你,那我也得像你一样沿路乞讨了。不过我还是给你点吧。"说着就将干粮分成四份,给了乞丐一份并给了一个金币。 圣彼得谢过他就朝前走了,然后又变成另一个乞丐在前边等着,待拉斯廷老兄走过来时又向他讨,也得到和上一次同样的东西。 圣彼得谢过他之后又走了。 第三次他还是装成乞丐的模样向拉斯廷老兄讨钱,拉斯廷老兄将财产的又一个四分之一给了他,然后继续赶路。 他身上只剩下四分之一的干粮和一个金币了。 他来到一家小酒馆,要了一个金币的啤酒,就着面包把酒喝了又接着往前走。 这次,圣彼得变成一个退役军人的样子遇见他,说:"日安,朋友,能给我一点面包和一个金币让我去喝口啤酒么?""我上哪儿找去呀?"拉斯廷老兄回答说:"我退役的时候除了一袋干粮和四个金币外就再也没啥了。路上我碰到三个乞丐,分给他们一人一份干粮和一个金币,最后一份干粮和金币我在小酒馆吃了喝了。现在我啥都没有了,如果你也一样,倒不如我们结伴当乞丐呢。""不,"圣彼得说:"大可不必去当乞丐,我懂点医道,很快就能挣到足够的钱。""那倒是的,"拉斯廷老兄说,"那我只好一个人去当乞丐了。""只管跟着我,"彼得说,"无论我挣到什么,你都有一份。""那好啊,"拉斯廷老兄于是跟着圣彼得走了。
他们路过一个农夫家,听到里面传来哭声。 他们走进去一看,原来这家的丈夫病得要死了,他妻子正在大声嚎哭。
"别哭了,"圣彼得说,"我可以治好他。"说着就从口袋里掏出药膏给病人抹上。 不一会儿,病人站了起来,痊愈了。 夫妇俩极为高兴地说:"该怎么谢你们呢?你们要什么?"圣彼得什么都不要,农夫越是要给,他越是坚持说不要。 可是拉斯廷老兄用肘捅了捅他说:"拿点吧,我们准会用得上的。"后来妇人抱来一只羔羊,请他们千万收下。 圣彼得还在谢绝,拉斯廷又捅了他一下,说:"我求你收下吧,我们很需要呢!"圣彼得最后终于说:"那好,我就收下羔羊。不过我可不会抱它的,你要收下你就得抱着。""行。"拉斯廷说:"我可以轻轻松松地扛着。"说完就把羊扛在肩上,告别了农家。 他们来到一片树林里,拉斯廷老兄的肚子饿了,觉得羊越来越重,因此对圣彼得说:"你瞧,这地方挺不错的。我们可以在这里烤羊肉吃了。""随你便,"圣彼得回答说,"我可不会烧吃的。既然你要烧,我倒可以给你一只锅。我四下里走走,等饭做好了我会回来的。你要等我回来才吃哦!我会回来得正是时候的。""你去吧,"拉斯廷老兄说,"我知道怎么做饭。"圣彼得走后,拉斯廷杀了羊羔,生起了篝火,然后将羊肉扔进锅里煮上。 肉煮好之后却不见彼得回来,拉斯廷便从锅里捞出羊心说:"听说羊心最好吃。"就尝了一点,结果把心全吃完了。 圣彼得终于回来了,说:"羊肉全归你,我只吃点羊心就行了。"拉斯廷老兄拿出刀叉,装作在锅里找羊心,但是没有找到的样子,说:"这里没有呀。""能上哪儿去呢?"圣徒问。 "我也不知道啊。"拉斯廷回答。 "嗨,我们多傻啊!羊压根儿就没有心嘛,怎么会忘了呢!我们还在这里一个劲儿找!""哦?这可是新发现!"圣徒说:"每种动物都有心脏,怎么唯独羊羔没有呢?""我敢保证羊羔没心,兄弟,"拉斯廷老兄说,"仔细想想你就会明白羊羔确实没有心。""没有就算了,"圣彼得说,"羊肉我也不吃了,你自个儿吃吧。""一顿吃不完我会装到背包里的。"拉斯廷说。 他吃了半只羊,另一半装进了背包。
他们又上路了。 圣彼得变出一条大河横在去路上,他们不得不蹚过去。 圣彼得说:"你先过吧。""不,"拉斯廷老兄说:"你先过吧。"心里却在盘算:假如水太深,我就不过去了。 圣彼得大步蹚了过去,水只没到他膝盖;拉斯廷也开始蹚 ,但是水越来越深,没到了他喉咙。 "兄弟,帮我一把!"圣彼得说:"那你承认自己偷吃了羊心了吗?""没有,"他回答说,"我没吃羊心。"水一下子涨到他的嘴的深度了。 "拉我一把,兄弟!"圣彼得说:"那你承认自己偷吃了羊心吗?""不,"他回答说:"我没吃。"圣彼得也没让他淹死,而是让水位降低,帮他蹚了过来。
他们继续朝前走,来到一个国家。 听说国王的女儿病得快死了。 "嗨,兄弟!"退役士兵对圣彼得说:"我们的运气来了。只要我们把她治好了,这一辈子都不用愁吃喝了!"可是圣彼得走得没士兵一半快。 "加油啊,快点抬脚吧,亲爱的兄弟。"士兵催促圣徒说:"太晚了就来不及了!"然而圣彼得越走越慢,不管士兵怎么催、怎么推都没用,最后终于听说公主死了。 "这下完了!"拉斯廷老兄说:"都怪你,走路像睡着了似的!""少说两句吧,"圣彼得说,"我不仅能治好病人,还能起死回生呢!""那好啊,只要你办得到,"拉斯廷老兄说,"你至少该为咱俩挣回半个王国作回报才行。"
他们来到王宫,那里的人们正悲痛万分。 圣彼得对国王说他可以使公主复活。 他跟着他们来到公主面前,说:"拿个锅和一点水来。"等东西送来了,他让所有的人都出去,只留下拉斯廷老兄。 他把姑娘的四肢砍下来,扔进水里,然后点着火,架上锅煮了起来。 等肉煮掉了,只剩下骨头时,圣彼得将那些美丽的白骨捞出来,按照生长顺序摆在桌上。 一切就绪之后,他走上前对着白骨说了三次:"为圣父、圣母、圣子,死去的人啊,复活吧。"第三遍刚说完,公主就站了起来,生气勃勃,健康美丽。 国王万分喜悦地对圣彼得说:"说说你想要什么吧,即使是半壁江山我也愿意。"可圣彼得说:"我啥都不要。""哦,这个彻头彻尾的傻瓜!"拉斯廷老兄一边想一边用肘捅他同伴,说,"别犯傻!你要是不需要,我还需要呢!"可圣徒坚持不要。 国王一看另一个很想要点什么的样子,就叫司库将他的背包装满了金子。
他们接着上路了。 当来到一座森林的时候,圣彼得对拉斯廷老兄说:"我们现在分金子吧。""好的,"他回答说:"你分吧。"圣彼得将金子分成三堆,拉斯廷老兄暗想:"谁知道他脑子里到底转些什么疯念头!明明只有我们两个人他却分成三份。"圣彼得说:"我分的很精确:一份是我的、一份归你,另一份给吃了羊心的那个人。""哦 ,是我吃了羊心! "拉斯廷老兄一边说一边急急忙忙收拾金子。"相信我说的是真话。 ""怎么可能是真话呢? "圣彼得说:"羊羔不是没有心吗? ""唉,兄弟,也不知道你在想什么! 羊和别的动物一样,都有心。 怎么会没有呢? ""算了,算了,"圣彼得说,"这些金子你留着吧。 但是我不会再和你同路了,我自己走。 ""随你的便,亲爱的兄弟,"拉斯廷老兄说,"再见吧。 "
圣彼得走的是一条十分艰难的路。 拉斯廷老兄想:"他自己提出分手更好。他准是个圣人。"拉斯廷有了许多钱,却不善理财,只知道送人、挥霍,所以过了没多久他又是一无所有了。 他来到一个国家,听说国王的女儿死了。 "哦,哦!"他想,"这对我也许是件好事。我要让她起死回生,并且得到应得的报酬。"于是他去见国王,说他能使他死去的女儿复活。 国王那时也听说有个退役士兵游历四方,能起死回生,以为拉斯廷老兄就是那人。 可他还是不敢完全信任他,就去和大臣们商量。 大臣们说反正公主已经死了,不妨让他试试。 于是,拉斯廷老兄按照从圣彼得那里看到的办法,也要了一点水和一只锅,等人们都出去之后将死者的肢体砍下来放进锅里煮。
水开了,肉也掉了。 他取出骨头摆在桌上,可是不知道人体骨骼的顺序。 结果摆得乱七八糟。 接着他站在白骨前说:"为最神圣的圣父、圣母、圣子,死去的人啊,我命令你起来!"他说了三次,骨头一动不动。 他又说了三次,还是没用。 "讨厌的姑娘,起来!"他喊道,"再不起来我就对你不客气了!"说完,只见圣彼得从窗口进来了,他还是那副退役士兵的打扮。 他说:"你把骨头摆得乱七八糟的,让姑娘怎么站起来呀?""亲爱的兄弟,我已经尽最大的努力了。"拉斯廷回答。 "这次我帮你度过难关,但是有一点我必须告诉你:如果今后你再这么做,你会倒霉的。还有,你不许向国王要任何东西作回报。"圣彼得说着就将骨头依次摆好,说了三遍:"为最神圣的圣父、圣母、圣子,死去的人啊,复活吧。"国王的女儿站了起来,像从前一样健康、美丽了。 圣彼得又从窗口走了。 拉斯廷老兄很高兴一切进展顺利,可转而想到自己不能要任何回报,心里就烦了。 "我只想知道那伙计脑子里有些什么怪念头。"他想,"他一手给我一手又拿回去了……总之没道理!"当国王说无论他要什么都可以时,他也不敢明要,不过他用狡猾的暗示竟然使国王明白了他的意思,命人将他的背包塞满了金子。 拉斯廷老兄背着金子离开王宫,出来后看到圣彼得在门口等着他,说:"瞧瞧你是什么样的人!我不是不许你要任何东西吗?怎么背包里全是金子?""我怎么拦得住啊,"拉斯廷老兄回答说,"他们硬塞给我的嘛!""我告诉你:以后你要再这么做可要遭殃的!""没关系,兄弟,我不怕。既然现在我有了钱,干嘛还去洗骨头呢?""一言为定。"圣彼得说,"这些金子够你用上一阵子了!为了使你不再做犯禁的事,我让你的背包具有要什么就有什么的魔力。再见,以后你就再也见不到我了。""再见!"拉斯廷老兄一面说一面想:"你这古怪的家伙,自己提出分手是最好不过的了。我才不会跟你走呢!"可他根本没多想背包被施以魔法的事。
拉斯廷老兄又像从前那样挥金如土。 当他揣着剩下的最后四个金币路过一家小酒馆时,他想:必须把这些钱花掉。 于是要了三个金币的啤酒和一个金币的面包。 正喝着,飘来一阵烤鹅的香味。 他四下里打量察看,发现是店主家的烤炉里烤着两只鹅。 他想起他的同伴曾告诉他说将来无论他想要什么,他的背包里就会有什么。 于是说:"哦 ,我得试试,就要烧鹅吧。 "他走出小酒馆来到外面时说:"我希望那两只烧鹅能从烤炉跳到我包里来。 "说完就打开背包往里看,里面确实有两只烧鹅。"这就好了! "他说,"现在我是个富翁了! "他来到一片草地上,拿出烤肉正吃得香,走过来两个路人,眼睁睁地看着那只还没有动过的烤鹅。拉斯廷想:"我吃一只已经足够了。 "于是招呼那两人过来说:"拿去吃吧,为我的健康祝福。 "那两人谢过他之后就带上烤鹅走进了小酒馆,要了半瓶酒和一条面包,从包里拿出烤鹅吃了起来。女店主看到了,对丈夫说:"那两个人在吃烧鹅。 去看看是不是吃我们家的。 "店主跑去一看,好哇,烤炉竟然是空的!"什么! "他大叫道,"你们这帮贼,竟然以这种方式来吃便宜烧鹅? 现在要是不付钱,我就要用榛子水好好洗洗你们! "那两个人说:"我们不是小偷。 这是退役士兵给我们的,他就在外面的草地上。 ""别想这样蒙骗我! 那士兵是上这儿来过,可他像所有诚实的人那样从大门走出去的。 我亲自招待他的,我能不知道吗! 就是你们偷的,你们得付钱! "因为没有钱付,店主操起一根棍子把他们打了出去。
拉斯廷老兄继续走,看到一座富丽堂皇的城堡,附近有一家很糟糕的小旅馆。 他走进去,要求住一宿,可店主把他赶了出来,说:"店里已经住满了上等人。""真奇怪,他们怎么会到你这儿来而不去那座富丽堂皇的城堡里住。"拉斯廷老兄说。 "啊,的确如此,"店主回答说,"在那里面住上一夜可不是闹着玩儿的。那些去试过的人还没有一个活着出来的呢!""既然有人试过了,我也不妨试试。"拉斯廷老兄说。
"别靠近它,要不然你会没命的。"店主劝告说。 "它不会把我怎么样的,"拉斯廷老兄说,"只管给我钥匙和好酒好菜就是了。"于是店主将钥匙、酒和食物交给他。 拉斯廷老兄走进城堡,享受过晚餐之后便觉得困了,因为那里没有床,他便躺在地上,很快便睡着了。 到了夜里,他被一阵很响的声音吵醒了,睁眼一看,原来是九个相貌丑陋的魔鬼正围着他跳舞呢。 拉斯廷老兄说:"尽管跳吧,但是别靠我太近。"可魔鬼们靠得越来越近,它们那些可怕的脚都快踩着他的脸了。 "别跳了,你们这帮魔鬼精灵!"但是魔鬼们更加猖狂了。 拉斯廷老兄开始生气了,叫道:"别跳了,看我怎么让你们安静!"说着抓起一把椅子的脚,照着它们砸了过去。 可他一个人对付九个魔鬼还是有些势单力薄,他从前面打它们,其他鬼从后面揪住他的头发狠狠地扯。 "你们这群恶魔,"他吼道,"太过分了!等着瞧吧,你们九个坏蛋,统统滚进我的背包里去!"它们转眼就进去了。 他扣上背包,把它扔在一个角落里。 一切突然安静下来,拉斯廷老兄又躺下睡了,一直睡到大天亮。
店主和城堡的主人一起来看他怎么样了。 当看到他平安无事而且十分快乐时,他们十分惊讶,问:"看来那些鬼没伤害你?""他们之所以没害死我是因为我把它们全装进我的背包里了。现在你们可以平静地住在这里面了,它们不会再来捣乱了。"那个上等人给了他丰厚的礼物,并且要求他长期住下去 ,答应终身供给他衣食。 "不了,"拉斯廷老兄回答说,"我已经习惯四处游历,我还要朝前走。"
他又走了,来到一个铁匠铺,将装着九个魔鬼的背包放到砧子上,要铁匠和他徒弟狠狠地砸。 他们用大铁锤使足力气猛砸,里面的魔鬼"嗷嗷"直叫,听起来挺可怜的。 等他打开包时,八个已经被砸死了,只有一个因为卷缩在折缝里没被砸死,赶紧溜了出来,回地狱去了。
从那以后,拉斯廷老兄又游历了很久,到过世界各地,那些认识他的人能讲很多关于他的故事。 最后他也老了,想到了死,于是来到一个虔诚的隐士那儿,对他说:"我现在已经不想四处飘流了,我想按死后能升天堂的人那样生活。"隐士回答说:"有两条路可走:一条宽敞而快乐,却通向地狱;一条狭窄而艰难,却通往天堂。""我要是选那条狭窄的路岂不是傻瓜!"拉斯廷老兄想,于是选择了那条宽敞快乐的路。 最后他来到一扇黑黑的门前……那是地狱之门。 拉斯廷老兄敲了敲门,看门人把门裂开一条缝往外看是谁。 一看是拉斯廷老兄,吓得赶紧插上门,飞快地跑到最高层的鬼那儿,说:"门口有个人要进来,可要是你珍惜生命,千万别让他进来,要不然他会让地狱里所有的鬼全进他的背包的。有一次他把我关在里面狠狠地锤了一顿。"原来他就是那九个被锁进背包里的鬼之一,他鼻青眼肿地逃了出来。 因此他们对拉斯廷老兄喊叫,要他走开,不能进去。 "既然他们不让我进,我得试试能不能在天堂找个地方。我总得呆在什么地方才行啊。"他想。 接着他来到天堂门口,敲了敲门,圣彼得正好在看门,拉斯廷老兄认出了他,想:"我在这里遇到了老朋友,该好过点了。"可是圣彼得说:"我简直不敢相信你也能进天堂!""请让我进来吧,兄弟,我总得呆在什么地方。假如他们让我进地狱我也不会上这儿来。""不行,你不能进。"圣彼得说。
"既然你不让我进,那就把你的背包拿走吧,我不愿意要你任何东西。""放在这儿吧。"圣彼得说。 于是拉斯廷老兄将背包从栏杆里塞进去,圣彼得接过去挂在自己的椅子边。 这时,拉斯廷老兄说:"现在让我进背包吧。"只一秒钟工夫 ,他便进了背包,也就进了天堂,圣彼只好让他在那里呆下去了。