Strong Hans


There were once a man and a woman who had an only child, and lived quite alone in a solitary valley. It came to pass that the mother once went into the wood to gather branches of fir, and took with her little Hans, who was just two years old. As it was spring-time, and the child took pleasure in the many-coloured flowers, she went still further onwards with him into the forest. Suddenly two robbers sprang out of the thicket, seized the mother and child, and carried them far away into the black forest, where no one ever came from one year's end to another. The poor woman urgently begged the robbers to set her and her child free, but their hearts were made of stone, they would not listen to her prayers and entreaties, and drove her on farther by force. After they had worked their way through bushes and briars for about two miles, they came to a rock where there was a door, at which the robbers knocked and it opened at once. They had to go through a long dark passage, and at last came into a great cavern, which was lighted by a fire which burnt on the hearth. On the wall hung swords, sabres, and other deadly weapons which gleamed in the light, and in the midst stood a black table at which four other robbers were sitting gambling, and the captain sat at the head of it. As soon as he saw the woman he came and spoke to her, and told her to be at ease and have no fear, they would do nothing to hurt her, but she must look after the house-keeping, and if she kept everything in order, she should not fare ill with them. Thereupon they gave her something to eat, and showed her a bed where she might sleep with her child.
The woman stayed many years with the robbers, and Hans grew tall and strong. His mother told him stories, and taught him to read an old book of tales about knights which she found in the cave. When Hans was nine years old, he made himself a strong club out of a branch of fir, hid it behind the bed, and then went to his mother and said, "Dear mother, pray tell me who is my father; I must and will know." His mother was silent and would not tell him, that he might not become home-sick; moreover she knew that the godless robbers would not let him go away, but it almost broke her heart that Hans should not go to his father. In the night, when the robbers came home from their robbing expedition, Hans brought out his club, stood before the captain, and said, "I now wish to know who is my father, and if thou dost not at once tell me I will strike thee down." Then the captain laughed, and gave Hans such a box on the ear that he rolled under the table. Hans got up again, held his tongue, and thought, "I will wait another year and then try again, perhaps I shall do better then." When the year was over, he brought out his club again, rubbed the dust off it, looked at it well, and said, "It is a stout strong club." At night the robbers came home, drank one jug of wine after another, and their heads began to be heavy. Then Hans brought out his club, placed himself before the captain, and asked him who was his father? But the captain again gave him such a vigorous box on the ear that Hans rolled under the table, but it was not long before he was up again, and beat the captain and the robbers so with his club, that they could no longer move either their arms or their legs. His mother stood in a corner full of admiration of his bravery and strength. When Hans had done his work, he went to his mother, and said, "Now I have shown myself to be in earnest, but now I must also know who is my father." - "Dear Hans," answered the mother, "come, we will go and seek him until we find him." She took from the captain the key to the entrance-door, and Hans fetched a great meal-sack and packed into it gold and silver, and whatsoever else he could find that was beautiful, until it was full, and then he took it on his back. They left the cave, but how Hans did open his eyes when he came out of the darkness into daylight, and saw the green forest, and the flowers, and the birds, and the morning sun in the sky. He stood there and wondered at everything just as if he had not been very wise. His mother looked for the way home, and when they had walked for a couple of hours, they got safely into their lonely valley and to their little house. The father was sitting in the doorway. He wept for joy when he recognized his wife and heard that Hans was his son, for he had long regarded them both as dead. But Hans, although he was not twelve years old, was a head taller than his father. They went into the little room together, but Hans had scarcely put his sack on the bench by the stove, than the whole house began to crack the bench broke down and then the floor, and the heavy sack fell through into the cellar. "God save us!" cried the father, "what's that? Now thou hast broken our little house to pieces!" - "Don't grow any grey hairs about that, dear father," answered Hans; "there, in that sack, is more than is wanting for a new house." The father and Hans at once began to build a new house; to buy cattle and land, and to keep a farm. Hans ploughed the fields, and when he followed the plough and pushed it into the ground, the bullocks had scarcely any need to draw. The next spring, Hans said, "Keep all the money and get a walking-stick that weighs a hundred-weight made for me that I may go a-travelling." When the wished-for stick was ready, he left his father's house, went forth, and came to a deep, dark forest. There he heard something crunching and cracking, looked round, and saw a fir-tree which was wound round like a rope from the bottom to the top, and when he looked upwards he saw a great fellow who had laid hold of the tree and was twisting it like a willow-wand. "Hollo!" cried Hans, "what art thou doing up there?" the fellow replied, "I got some faggots together yesterday and am twisting a rope for them." - "That is what I like," thought Hans, "he has some strength," and he called to him, "Leave that alone, and come with me." The fellow came down, and he was taller by a whole head than Hans, and Hans was not little. "Thy name is now Fir-twister," said Hans to him. Thereupon they went further and heard something knocking and hammering with such force that the ground shook at every stroke. Shortly afterwards they came to a mighty rock, before which a giant was standing and striking great pieces of it away with his fist. When Hans asked what he was about, he answered, "At night, when I want to sleep, bears, wolves, and other vermin of that kind come, which sniff and snuffle about me and won't let me rest; so I want to build myself a house and lay myself inside it, so that I may have some peace." - "Oh, indeed," thought Hans, "I can make use of this one also;" and said to him, "Leave thy house-building alone, and go with me; thou shalt be called Rock-splitter." The man consented, and they all three roamed through the forest, and wherever they went the wild beasts were terrified, and ran away from them. In the evening they came to an old deserted castle, went up into it, and laid themselves down in the hall to sleep. The next morning Hans went into the garden. It had run quite wild, and was full of thorns and bushes. And as he was thus walking round about, a wild boar rushed at him; he, however, gave it such a blow with his club that it fell directly. He took it on his shoulders and carried it in, and they put it on a spit, roasted it, and enjoyed themselves. Then they arranged that each day, in turn, two should go out hunting, and one should stay at home, and cook nine pounds of meat for each of them. Fir-twister stayed at home the first, and Hans and Rock-splitter went out hunting. When Fir-twister was busy cooking, a little shrivelled-up old mannikin came to him in the castle, and asked for some meat. "Be off, sly hypocrite," he answered, "thou needest no meat." But how astonished Fir-twister was when the little insignificant dwarf sprang up at him, and belaboured him so with his fists that he could not defend himself, but fell on the ground and gasped for breath! The dwarf did not go away until he had thoroughly vented his anger on him. When the two others came home from hunting, Fir-twister said nothing to them of the old mannikin and of the blows which he himself had received, and thought, "When they stay at home, they may just try their chance with the little scrubbing-brush;" and the mere thought of that gave him pleasure already.
The next day Rock-splitter stayed at home, and he fared just as Fir-twister had done, he was very ill-treated by the dwarf because he was not willing to give him any meat. When the others came home in the evening, Fir-twister easily saw what he had suffered, but both kept silence, and thought, "Hans also must taste some of that soup."
Hans, who had to stay at home the next day, did his work in the kitchen as it had to be done, and as he was standing skimming the pan, the dwarf came and without more ado demanded a bit of meat. Then Hans thought, "He is a poor wretch, I will give him some of my share, that the others may not run short," and handed him a bit. When the dwarf had devoured it, he again asked for some meat, and good-natured Hans gave it to him, and told him it was a handsome piece, and that he was to be content with it. But the dwarf begged again for the third time. "Thou art shameless!" said Hans, and gave him none. Then the malicious dwarf wanted to spring on him and treat him as he had treated Fir-twister and Rock-splitter, but he had got to the wrong man. Hans, without exerting himself much, gave him a couple of blows which made him jump down the castle steps. Hans was about to run after him, but fell right over him, for he was so tall. When he rose up again, the dwarf had got the start of him. Hans hurried after him as far as the forest, and saw him slip into a hole in the rock. Hans now went home, but he had marked the spot. When the two others came back, they were surprised that Hans was so well. He told them what had happened, and then they no longer concealed how it had fared with them. Hans laughed and said, "It served you quite right; why were you so greedy with your meat? It is a disgrace that you who are so big should have let yourselves be beaten by the dwarf." Thereupon they took a basket and a rope, and all three went to the hole in the rock into which the dwarf had slipped, and let Hans and his club down in the basket. When Hans had reached the bottom, he found a door, and when he opened it a maiden was sitting there who was lovely as any picture, nay, so beautiful that no words can express it, and by her side sat the dwarf and grinned at Hans like a sea-cat! She, however, was bound with chains, and looked so mournfully at him that Hans felt great pity for her, and thought to himself, "Thou must deliver her out of the power of the wicked dwarf," and gave him such a blow with his club that he fell down dead. Immediately the chains fell from the maiden, and Hans was enraptured with her beauty. She told him she was a King's daughter whom a savage count had stolen away from her home, and imprisoned there among the rocks, because she would have nothing to say to him. The count had, however, set the dwarf as a watchman, and he had made her bear misery and vexation enough. And now Hans placed the maiden in the basket and had her drawn up; the basket came down again, but Hans did not trust his two companions, and thought, "They have already shown themselves to be false, and told me nothing about the dwarf; who knows what design they may have against me?" So he put his club in the basket, and it was lucky he did; for when the basket was half-way up, they let it fall again, and if Hans had really been sitting in it he would have been killed. But now he did not know how he was to work his way out of the depths, and when he turned it over and over in his mind he found no counsel. "It is indeed sad," said he to himself, "that I have to waste away down here," and as he was thus walking backwards and forwards, he once more came to the little chamber where the maiden had been sitting, and saw that the dwarf had a ring on his finger which shone and sparkled. Then he drew it off and put it on, and when he turned it round on his finger, he suddenly heard something rustle over his head. He looked up and saw spirits of the air hovering above, who told him he was their master, and asked what his desire might be? Hans was at first struck dumb, but afterwards he said that they were to carry him above again. They obeyed instantly, and it was just as if he had flown up himself. When, however, he was above again, he found no one in sight. Fir-twister and Rock-splitter had hurried away, and had taken the beautiful maiden with them. But Hans turned the ring, and the spirits of the air came and told him that the two were on the sea. Hans ran and ran without stopping, until he came to the sea-shore, and there far, far out on the water, he perceived a little boat in which his faithless comrades were sitting; and in fierce anger he leapt, without thinking what he was doing, club in hand into the water, and began to swim, but the club, which weighed a hundredweight, dragged him deep down until he was all but drowned. Then in the very nick of time he turned his ring, and immediately the spirits of the air came and bore him as swift as lightning into the boat. He swung his club and gave his wicked comrades the reward they merited and threw them into the water, and then he sailed with the beautiful maiden, who had been in the greatest alarm, and whom he delivered for the second time, home to her father and mother, and married her, and all rejoiced exceedingly.
从前有一对夫妇,他们只有一个独生儿子,这家子单独住在一个偏僻的山谷里。 一次女人带着年仅两岁的汉斯,到林间去拾冷杉枝。 因为此时正是春暖花开的时候,他们看见五颜六色的花正高兴,突然丛林中跳出了两个强盗,掳走了母亲和孩子,带着他们朝着森林的黑暗深处走去,那儿多年没人进去了。 那可怜的女人苦苦哀求强盗放走她们母子俩,可强盗们是铁石心肠,根本不听她的哀求,只管用力地赶着他们往前走。 大约两小时后,他们来到了一座有门的岩壁前,强盗们敲了敲门,门就开了。 他们走过一条长长的暗道,最后来到一个大洞里,那洞被炉火照得如同白昼。 只见四周的墙壁上挂着刀剑和别的凶器,在炉光的照射下闪着寒光。 中间摆着黑桌子,桌旁另有四个强盗坐在那儿赌博,上首那人就是他们的头儿。 他看见女人走来,便走过来和她搭话,叫她别害怕,说只管放心,他们不会伤害她,但她必须管理家务,如果她把一切都弄得有条有理,他们是不会亏待她的。 随后他给她吃一些东西,又指给她看她和孩子的床。
女人在强盗窝里一过就是许多年,汉斯现在已渐渐长大强壮了。 母亲给他讲故事,叫他念一本在洞里找到的破旧骑士书。 汉斯九岁时,他用松木枝做了根结实的棍子,把它藏在床后,然后去问母亲:"娘,现在请你告诉我,谁是我的爹,我很想知道。!"母亲默不作声,不肯向他说什么,免得他患相思病,她知道那些无法无天的强盗是决不会放走汉斯的,但想到汉斯不能回到他爹身边去,她的心都快碎了。 晚上,强盗们抢劫回来时,汉斯就拿出他的棍子,走到强盗头儿跟前说:"现在我要知道谁是我的爹,如果不立刻告诉我,我就要把你打死。"强盗头儿一听哈哈大笑,给了汉斯一个耳光,打得他滚到了桌子底下。 汉斯爬了起来,没有说话,心想:"我要再等一年,到时我要再试试,或许会好些。"一年又过去了,他又拿出了那根棍子,抹掉上面的灰尘,仔细瞧了瞧,说:"这是根挺结实有力的棍子。"晚上,强盗们回来了,一坛接一坛地喝酒,然后一个个都醉得低下了头。 这时汉斯拿出了棍子,走到强盗头子的跟前,问他爹是谁。 强盗头儿只给他一个耳光,又打得他滚下了桌子。 但没过久,他又爬了起来,抡起棍子就给头儿和其他的强盗一顿痛打,打得他们手脚不能动弹。 母亲站在角落里,看到他是这样的勇猛强壮,满脸惊讶。 汉斯打完强盗,就走到母亲跟前,说:"现在我该办正事了,但我现在想知道,谁是我的爹。""亲爱的汉斯,来,我们这就去找,一定要把他找到。"她取下了头儿开门的钥匙,汉斯又去找了一个大面粉袋,装了满满一袋金银财宝,扛在肩上,他们便离开了山洞。 汉斯从黑暗的洞中走到太阳里,展现在他眼前的是那绿色的森林、无数的鲜花和小鸟,还有天上的朝阳,他站在那儿,眼睛睁得大大的,仿佛眼前的一切是在梦中。
母亲带着他寻找回家的路,几小时后,他们终于平平安安地来到了一片寂寞的山谷中,他们的小屋就在眼前。 父亲正坐在门前,当他认出了自己的妻子,并听说汉斯就是自己的儿子时,欢喜得哭了起来,他以为他们母子早死了。 汉斯虽说只有十二岁,却比父亲高一个头。 他们一齐回到屋里,汉斯刚把口袋放在炉边的长凳上,屋子就吱嘎摇晃起来了,凳也断裂了。 父亲叫道:"天啊!这是怎么回事,现在你把我的屋子给打破了。""别担心,爹,"汉斯说,"这袋子里装的东西,比造一座新屋子需要的钱还多呢!"父子俩立刻动手建新房,还买来了牲口和土地,开始经营农庄。 汉斯犁地,他走在犁头后面,把犁深深地按在了土里,前面的牛儿几乎都不必拉了。
第二年春天,汉斯对父亲说:"爹,这些钱你留着。请给我做根百斤重的旅行杖,我要出远门了。"手杖做好后,汉斯便离开了家 ,他走呀走,来到了一座深深的黑森林。 他在那里听到有什么东西在喀嚓作响,便向周围看,看见一棵松树,从下到上像一根绳子一样拧在一起。 他再抬头往上瞧,看见一个大汉正抓住树干,把它扭来扭去,好像那根本不是棵大树,而是根柳条。 "喂!你在上面干什么?"那汉子说:"我昨天打了捆柴,想搓根绳子去捆柴。"汉斯心想:"他力气倒挺大的。"于是他对汉子喊道:"别干这个了,跟我走吧。"那汉子从树上爬了下来,个儿比汉斯还高出整整一个头。 "你就叫'扭树者'好了。"汉斯对他说。 他们继续往前走,听见什么东西在敲打,每打一下,大地都要抖几抖。 不久,他们来到一坐岩壁前,只见一个巨人站在那里,正用拳头把崖石大块大块地打下来。 汉斯问他做什么,巨人回答说:"我晚上睡觉时,熊、狼和其它的猛兽老在我身边嗅来嗅去,叫我不能入睡,所以我想建造间房子,晚上睡在里面,这样才能安宁些。"汉斯心想:"唉,是的,这人你也用得着。"于是他说:"别造啦,和我们一道走吧。你就叫'劈石人'好了。"巨人答应了,便和他们一起走过森林,凡是他们走到的地方,野兽全被吓住,然后从他们身边跑开了。 晚上,他们来到一座古老的无人居住的宫殿前,走进去睡在了大厅里。 第二天早上,汉斯走进宫前的花园里,发现那儿全荒芜了,长满了荆棘丛。 他正走来走去时,一头野猪猛地朝他冲来,他用手杖只打了它一下,它就马上倒下了。 于是他把野猪扛在肩上,带了上去,大伙儿把野猪叉在铁杆上烤着吃,吃得高兴极了。 他们每天轮留去打猎,留一人看家做饭,每人每天可以吃九磅肉。 第一天扭树者留在家中,汉斯和劈石人去打猎,当扭树者忙着做饭时,一个满脸皱纹的小老头走进宫殿,向他要肉吃。 "可恶的家伙,走开,你还想吃什么肉!"他回答说。 但使他惊讶的是,那很不起眼的小人儿,跳到了扭树者的身上,用拳头乱打他,他竟不能抵抗,最后倒在上直喘气。 小老头直到完全解了恨,方才离去。 另外两个人打猎回来,扭树者只字不提那个老头和挨打的事。 他心想:"等他俩呆在家里的时候,也尝尝那个好斗的小老头的厉害吧。"仅仅是这想法已经够他乐一阵子的了。
第二天劈石人留在家里,他的遭遇跟扭树者一模一样,因为他不肯拿肉给他吃,结果也被小老头好好地揍了一顿。 当他们回来时,扭树者当然知道他出了事,但他俩都不做声,心想:"让汉斯也尝尝这滋味吧。"
第三天,轮到汉斯留在家中做饭,他正在厨房里认真干活,站在上面打锅里的泡沫,小人儿来了,毫不客气地要肉吃。 汉斯想:"这是个可怜的小老头,我愿意从我的那份中分些给他,这样也不叫别人吃亏。"于是他递给了他一块肉。 那矮子吃完后,又要了一块,好心的汉斯又给了他,并告诉他这块肉很好,他该满意了。 没想到小矮子又第三次开口要,"你脸皮真厚。"汉斯说,就不再给他肉了。 那恶矮子就要跳到汉斯的身上,像对待扭树者和劈石人一样待他,但是他找错人了。 汉斯毫不费力地给了他几个耳光,打得他滚下了台级,汉斯去追他,因为人高腿长的缘故,反而让他给拌倒了,当他爬起来时,矮子在他的前面直乐。 汉斯一直追到森林里,看到他溜进了一个洞里。 汉斯只好回家了,不过记住了那个地方。 那两人回来时,看见汉斯安然无恙,都很惊讶,汉斯把发生的一切告诉了他们,于是他们不再隐瞒他们的遭遇。 汉斯笑道:"都怪你们,谁叫你们要如此吝啬你们的肉,你们这么大的个儿,却被小人儿打了一顿,可真是丢人。"于是他们三人带上箩筐和绳子,朝小矮子溜进去的地洞走去。 他们让汉斯坐在箩筐里,随身带着棍子,然后把他放进洞口。 汉斯下到底后,寻着了一道门,他打开了门,发现那里坐着位美丽如画的少女,简直美得无法形容。 少女旁边坐着那个小矮子,正冷冷地瞪着汉斯,那样子就像一只野猫。 少女被锁链拴着,可怜巴巴地望着汉斯,这引起了汉斯的巨大同情心。 汉斯想:"我得把她从这恶矮子手上救出来。"于是他用棍子打了他一下,他就倒在地上死了。 少女身上的锁链也立刻松脱了,她告诉汉斯,她本是位公主,被一个野蛮的公爵掠了来,关在这里。 因为她不答应嫁给他,公爵让矮子作看守人看着她,她可受够了他的折磨。 随后汉斯把少女放进箩筐,让那两个把他拉了上去。 箩筐又放了下来,但汉斯已不相信那两位同伴了,心想:"他们已经表现得不老实了,没有把小矮子的事情告诉我,谁知他们安什么心?"于是他只把自己的棍子放进去。 幸亏如此,因为箩筐才吊到了半空中,他们又把它松下来了,如果汉斯真的坐在了里面,就会摔个必死无疑了。 汉斯被困在洞中,不知怎样才能从那里爬出去,他想来想去,还是想不出个好办法。 他于是就走来走去,不知不觉间来到了少女曾经呆过的小屋,发现那小矮人的指头上套着枚戒指,闪闪发光,于是他便褪了下来,戴在自己的手上,他然后把戒指转动了一下,突然听到有什么东西在头顶作响,他抬头一看,原来空中有几位神仙在翱翔,他们说,他是他们的主子,问他要干什么? 汉斯起先还不作声,但很快便吩咐他们把自己抬上去。 他们照办了,他觉得自己仿佛飞了起来。 但等他到了上面时,已不见他们的影儿了。 他又走到宫殿里,也找不着个人,扭树者和劈石人都跑了,还带走了那位美丽的公主。 汉斯于是又转动戒指,神仙又来了,说那两个人在海上。 汉斯便不停地跑,一直追到了海边。 他在那里朝远望去,发现离岸边很远的海面上有条小船,他的不忠实的伙伴正坐在里面。 汉斯气极了,不加思索地带着他的棍子,跳下水中,向前方游去。 哪知棍子实在太重,拖着他直往下沉,几乎把他淹死了。 于是他赶紧转动戒指,眨眼间神仙又来了,带着他像闪电般地靠近了小船。 汉斯挥动棍子,把他们俩都打落在水里,给了那两个家伙应有的惩罚。 美丽的公主刚才给吓怕了,汉斯再一次救了她,摇着橹把她送回了她父母家,后来和她结了婚,一切皆大欢喜。