The peasant and the devil

Taranul şi Diavolul

There was once on a time a far-sighted, crafty peasant whose tricks were much talked about. The best story is, however, how he once got hold of the Devil, and made a fool of him. The peasant had one day been working in his field, and as twilight had set in, was making ready for the journey home, when he saw a heap of burning coals in the middle of his field, and when, full of astonishment, he went up to it, a little black devil was sitting on the live coals. "Thou dost indeed sit upon a treasure!" said the peasant. "Yes, in truth," replied the Devil, "on a treasure which contains more gold and silver than thou hast ever seen in thy life!" - "The treasure lies in my field and belongs to me," said the peasant. "It is thine," answered the Devil, "if thou wilt for two years give me the half of everything thy field produces. Money I have enough of, but I have a desire for the fruits of the earth." The peasant agreed to the bargain. "In order, however, that no dispute may arise about the division," said he, "everything that is above ground shall belong to thee, and what is under the earth to me." The Devil was quite satisfied with that, but the cunning peasant had sown turnips.
Now when the time for harvest came, the Devil appeared and wanted to take away his crop; but he found nothing but the yellow withered leaves, while the peasant, full of delight, was digging up his turnips. "Thou hast had the best of it for once," said the Devil, "but the next time that won't do. What grows above ground shall be thine, and what is under it, mine." - "I am willing," replied the peasant; but when the time came to sow, he did not again sow turnips, but wheat. The grain became ripe, and the peasant went into the field and cut the full stalks down to the ground. When the Devil came, he found nothing but the stubble, and went away in a fury down into a cleft in the rocks. "That is the way to cheat the Devil," said the peasant, and went and fetched away the treasure.
Traia odata un taran foarte viclean. As putea sa va povestesc multe dintre poznele sale, dar acum va voi povesti cea mai traznita dintre ele: cum si-a batut joc de diavol. Iata povestea: intr-o zi, taranul lucra pe camp. Pe inserate, se pregatea sa o ia spre casa, dar ca orice proprietar de teren, mai arunca o privire, sa vada daca totul e in regula. Cum se uita el pe camp, vede la un moment ceva scanteietor pe aratura. Tare se mira taranul, ca, inainte cu cateva minute, nu era nimic acolo.O lua intr-acolo, sa vada ce-i acolo. Cand ajunse la mijlocul araturii, ce vede: o gramajoara de carbuni care ard, iar in varful gramezii, un dracusor statea pitit.
- Ce faci aici, doar nu clocesti vreo comoara? - zise taranul.
- Ba chiar asa, clocesc o comoara – zise diavolul – o gramada de aur si argint mai mare decat ai vazut tu vreodata!
- Pai bine – zise taranul -, comoara e pe terenul meu, asa ca, eu sunt proprietarul comorii.
- Fie – zise diavolul – poti sa ti-o tii, dar cu o conditie: daca imi dai mie jumatate din recolta, timp de doi ani. Aur si argint am o gramada, nu-mi trebuie, dar poftesc ceea ce rodeste pamantul tau.
Taranul sta putin pe ganduri, dupa care cazu de acord cu diavolul.
- Bine, fie cum spui tu, dar ca sa nu ne certam, sa ne intelegem de pe acum: ce creste in pamant, va fi jumatatea mea, iar ce creste la suprafata, va fi jumatatea ta. Diavolul ii placu ideea, asa ca, accepta targul. Da, dar ce nu stia diavolul, taranul semana toata aratura cu sfecla. Asa ca, atunci cand veni vremea culesului, si diavolul isi facu aparitia, il intreba:
- Sa-ti aduc o coasa, sau strangi cu mana ce-i al tau?
- Pentru ce coasa, pentru sfecla?
- Pai nu, doar pentru frunze. Mai tii minte: ce-i sub pamant e al meu, ce-i la suprafata e al tau.
Si continua sa culeaga voios sfecla. Diavolul era tare furios.
- Bine, de data asta ai scapat, dar la anul, schimbam placa: ce-i sub pamant e al meu, iar ce-i la suprafata, va fi partea ta. Ai inteles?
Taranul ridica din umeri, rasuci putin mustata, sa nu vada diavolul ca zambeste, si raspunse:
- Mie mi-e totuna, fie cum vrei tu.
Diavolul mormai ceva manios dupa care se facu nevazut. Taranul ara terenul, si semana pe toata parcela grau. Cand lanul de grau se ingalbeni, merse pe camp si secera toata recolta.
Cand arunca ultimul snop de grau in caruta, aparu si diavolul:
- Hoho! – striga de departe. Auzi cumetre, unde duci tu recolta?
- Pai acasa, in pod – zise taranul.
- Si mie ce mi-ai lasat? intreba diavolul.
- Tot ce-i sub pamant, asa cum ai cerut – raspunse zambind taranul.
Dar diavolul nu mai gasi nimic, decat campul secerat de taran. Se inrosi de manie, si printr-o crapatura aluneca in adancul pamantului, pe fundul iadului. Asa ramase taranul cu recolta din doi ani, si cu comoara.