The lazy spinner


In a certain village there once lived a man and his wife, and the wife was so idle that she would never work at anything; whatever her husband gave her to spin, she did not get done, and what she did spin she did not wind, but let it all remain entangled in a heap. If the man scolded her, she was always ready with her tongue, and said, "Well, how should I wind it, when I have no reel? Just you go into the forest and get me one." - "If that is all," said the man, "then I will go into the forest, and get some wood for making reels." Then the woman was afraid that if he had the wood he would make her a reel of it, and she would have to wind her yarn off, and then begin to spin again. She bethought herself a little, and then a lucky idea occurred to her, and she secretly followed the man into the forest, and when he had climbed into a tree to choose and cut the wood, she crept into the thicket below where he could not see her, and cried,
"He who cuts wood for reels shall die,
And he who winds, shall perish."
The man listened, laid down his axe for a moment, and began to consider what that could mean. "Hollo," he said at last, "what can that have been; my ears must have been singing, I won't alarm myself for nothing." So he again seized the axe, and began to hew, then again there came a cry from below:
"He who cuts wood for reels shall die,
And he who winds, shall perish."
He stopped, and felt afraid and alarmed, and pondered over the circumstance. But when a few moments had passed, he took heart again, and a third time he stretched out his hand for the axe, and began to cut. But some one called out a third time, and said loudly,
"He who cuts wood for reels shall die,
And he who winds, shall perish."
That was enough for him, and all inclination had departed from him, so he hastily descended the tree, and set out on his way home. The woman ran as fast as she could by by-ways so as to get home first. So when he entered the parlour, she put on an innocent look as if nothing had happened, and said, "Well, have you brought a nice piece of wood for reels?" - "No," said he, "I see very well that winding won't do," and told her what had happened to him in the forest, and from that time forth left her in peace about it. Neverthless after some time, the man again began to complain of the disorder in the house. "Wife," said he, "it is really a shame that the spun yarn should lie there all entangled!" - "I'll tell you what," said she, "as we still don't come by any reel, go you up into the loft, and I will stand down below, and will throw the yarn up to you, and you will throw it down to me, and so we shall get a skein after all." - "Yes, that will do," said the man. So they did that, and when it was done, he said, "The yarn is in skeins, now it must be boiled." The woman was again distressed; She certainly said, "Yes, we will boil it next morning early." but she was secretly contriving another trick.
Early in the morning she got up, lighted a fire, and put the kettle on, only instead of the yarn, she put in a lump of tow, and let it boil. After that she went to the man who was still lying in bed, and said to him, "I must just go out, you must get up and look after the yarn which is in the kettle on the fire, but you must be at hand at once; mind that, for if the cock should happen to crow, and you are not attending to the yarn, it will become tow." The man was willing and took good care not to loiter. He got up as quickly as he could, and went into the kitchen. But when he reached the kettle and peeped in, he saw, to his horror, nothing but a lump of tow. Then the poor man was as still as a mouse, thinking he had neglected it, and was to blame, and in future said no more about yarn and spinning. But you yourself must own she was an odious woman!
从前,村子里住着对夫妻。 妻子懒得总是不想干活,丈夫让她纺纱她总纺不完,就是纺好了也不绕成团,而是在地上缠成一大团。 每次丈夫说她,她总是有理,说:"没有卷轴,叫我怎么去卷呢?你有本事就到森林里砍些木头给我做一个。""如果是那样的话,"丈夫说,"我就到森林砍些木头为你做一个吧!"可女人又害怕起来,如果有了木头,做成卷轴,她就只得绕线了。 她脑子一转,想了条好计,便悄悄地跟在丈夫的后面走进森林。 丈夫爬上一棵树去挑好木头来做料,她就溜进丈夫看不到的树丛中,向上面喊道:
绞盘缠线,没好下场。 "
丈夫听后放下了斧子,细细体会着这话的含义,最后自言自语道:"唉,管它呢!一定是我耳朵的错觉,我可不想吓唬自己。"说完 ,他又扬起斧子,准备要砍。 突然树下又喊:
绞盘缠线,没好下场。 "
丈夫又惊又怕,再次放下了斧子,朝四周张望。 但过了一会,他又鼓起了勇气,抓起斧子要干 ,但是树下第三次喊了起来,而且声音更大:
绞盘缠线,没好下场。 "
丈夫再也抵挡不住了,吓得魂不守舍,连忙滑下树来往家赶。 女人却抄近道飞快地跑回了家。 丈夫一进屋,女人就装出若无其事的样子问:"怎么,砍了块做轴的好木回来没有?""没有!"丈夫答道 ,"看来线是绕不成了。"接着,他把树林里发生的一切告诉了女人。 从此不再拿纺纱绕线来烦她。 可没过多久,丈夫见屋里乱糟糟的,就又发开了牢骚。 "老婆呀,这纺过的线乱糟糟地缠在一起,真不像话!""好吧,因为我没有卷轴,你就爬上阁楼,我站在下面,我把线团扔给你,你再扔下来,如此反复线就绕好了。""好吧,就这么干吧!"于是,夫妻俩一上一下抛纱缠线,线缠好了,丈夫说:"我已经绕好了,现在该浆了。""好吧,明天我就浆。"女人嘴里这么说,心里却在盘算着如何逃过这一关,于是又生出了条懒计来。 第二天早上一起来,她就生起了火,再把锅架在上面。 可她没把纱线放进锅里,放进的却是些粗麻疙瘩。 然后她走到床边对睡着的丈夫说:"我要出去一趟,你照看一下锅里的纱线。你得留点神,如果鸡叫了还不去看,纱线就会变成乱麻团。"丈夫怕误事,赶紧起身,来到厨房里,向锅里一瞅发现里面尽是些粗麻疙瘩,不禁愕然。 这可怜的丈夫以为是自己失了职,就再也不敢向女人提起纺纱的事。 可你们一定要说,这女人多么恶毒呀。